Filipino cyclists thankful for the help of Hualien Police

Photo Credit to 李魁順

A Taiwanese friend of the 12-member Filipino bicycle group shared on Facebook their memorable experience in Hualien, Taiwan.

It was said on the Facebook post that the twelve Filipino cyclists were trying to finish their one thousand kilometer tour around Taiwan when they were met with a dilemma during the second week of the celebration of the Chinese New Year throughout the country.

It was during Valentine’s Day, Wednesday, February 14 that they encountered a problem. Due to the celebration of Valentine’s Day and the second week of the Lunar New Year, Hotels and other accommodations in Hualien was fully booked. Another problem that they faced was difficulty in finding a place to eat.

Photo Credit to 李魁順

After a few times trying to find a place to stay and eat, the group of Filipino cyclist finally lost hope and were on their last option. Their last option was to ask help from the Police Precinct of the Hualien County Police Department.

It was said that the cyclists were given take-out food and drinks. It was touching news for the twelve cyclists as they later found out that the food that was given to them was the actual dinner of the police officers who were assisting them.

After the cyclist ate, they were assisted by three police officers in finding a place to sleep throughout the night. The next day, the cyclists continued to finish their 1000 kilometer journey after being given route advice by police officers.

The help of the police officers was so much appreciated by the Filipino cyclists that they request their Taiwanese friend to post on Facebook the good deed of the Hualien Police Officers.

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